
Anna Solecka Exhibition, March 28 - April 19

Plum is delighted to present to you the China debut of Anna Solecka, with works reflecting her travels, life and times.

Exhibition: March 28th - April 19th 2009
You are cordially invited to the official opening party: Tuesday, March 31st from 18:00 - 20:00.

Address: PLUM, 1F No. 37, 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu, Shanghai, China

PLUM正式发表Anna Solecka在中国的首次画展,透过绘画你将看见Anna Solecka对生活,旅行,与人生的记忆。

展览期间:2009年三月28日 – 四月19日

地址: PLUM, 中国上海市南京西路1025弄37号1层


Anna Solecka

Painter / Photographer

From Bremen, Germany

Through photography, Anna Solecka finds the creative elements and inspiration to use as a foundation for her painting process. She captures moments that leave emotional impressions on her psyche. Anna converts her photography into interpretations that are not limited by the literal image. Instead she expresses onto her paintings a much more evolved image. Her large format paintings do an especially good job in showcasing her technique of dividing the canvas into grids or sectors. Within these grids, the individual images are united together with color and texture, producing a balanced effect, connecting them in harmony. Anna Solecka says her paintings are like an orchestra with varying tones, rhythms, and cadences working in unison to create symmetry and equilibrium.

Anna Solecka 善用摄影捕捉眼前的事物和独特的感受,以及每个特别的当下,这些素材都成为她后来创作的基础,她的绘画不局限于转述眼前的事物,而是通过自我的创作语言重新去表述,她的大幅创作清楚明了地展现了她的技法,在她的大幅创作中,几个独立的小型图像交织在画面中,彼此互有关联,却又各自独立,而色块的置入恰巧平衡了整个画面,让整件作品拥有了沉静的片刻,Anna Solecka说,这就像是一篇乐曲,高低急缓,终有一个平衡。

Click the Link and see more pictures.




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